Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Sick Wars IV: Revenge of the Virus

Captians Log:

Woke up. Wife sick. Wife to ER. Wife medicine. Wife better. Captain and Wife and little Spock to church. Captain and Wife and little Spock home. Captatin eat Chinese Hot and Sour Soup. Captain good now.

Ok, ok. A little more explanation than that. Tori was still feeling sick today. So I was like, enough of this, and I got her to accept going to the doctor/hospital. She hates the idea, but this is dragging on too long and she was feeling horrible. So....I call around, no doctor available that I talk to a walk-in clinic, because of some of her symptons (chest pain, high pulse) they can't take her. So I take her to the ER. Doctor gives her medicine for nausea, etc.. Dad calls, .....he and mom come over. Mom watches Micah while Tori sleeps...Dad and I run a ton of errands like picking up prescriptions, etc. They go home. We go to church, and now Tori has taken some medicine and gone to bed. So.......indeed it was another interesting day. I hope tomorrow is much more boring.

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