Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Back to the future...

This is the kind of car I plan on getting. My family has had several in the past. I learned to drive in a rabbit. (A cabriolet is just a convertable version of the rabbit)

I love rabbits. David used to give me a hard time in college, saying they were ugly. Like I said I learned to drive in one, and then later I had a white cabriolet, so I don't know, I guess it's a sentimental attraction I've always had with them.

I was planning to get a mini-monster truck...but that was when we had a little more income from being on staff at church...so now, I go to plan B.

It will serve the purpose of allowing us much cheaper insurance payments - because I will have just collision, whereas now I pay for full coverage. So that will be a monthly savings. Mostly, I will just be putting back and forth to work in it. (And it's obviously great on gas.)

So...1988....here I come.

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