Friday, January 26, 2007

Charlie Moment 1.27.07

Tonight I was at our Sunday School class' monthly outreach. We were setting up a ballroom for a fundraiser tomorrow. It is a fundraiser in honor of a girl in our church's youth group who was killed. They give the money to kids as scholarships to go on mission trips, etc. It is a dinner and then a silent auction.

Well, I was there setting up...along with a bunch of other people, and the parents of the girl who was killed. (All who know my foot in mouth disease, just said, "uh oh.")

But anyway, as I'm setting up, I start looking at some of the things out for silent auction. I see a nice office chair. Minimum bid $50...valued at $400. Well, even though the auction hadn't started yet, I didn't see any harm in putting down the first bid on the chair for $50.

Well, later, as we're setting up the dinner dawns on me that in order to bid on the items, you had to have bought a $20 dinner ticket. I of course, didn't...and so I wasn't eligible to bid on the chair.

So, feeling dumb, I sneak over to the office chair....pick up the clipboard and pen....and started scribbling out my name, phone number and bid. As I'm violently marking out the name on the list, the girl who was killed's father starts walking past me.....staring at me scribbling out someone's bid on the chair. ....neither one of us said anything. I just put the clipboard down and walked away.


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