Monday, April 11, 2005

The emperor has no clothes

Like King Nebucanezzar humbled in the field like an animal, so is King Kila with a halo that keeps him from licking himself.

This is actually an awesome dog, as anyone who has visited will attest. Except for maybe Jared, he's not comfortable with animals outside of boxes. (jk). Kila knows his name, is fun to play with, will go away if you tell him too, GENERALLY doesn't get into any trouble, etc. But he has been wandering alot lately, so David (my neighbor) got him fixed to see if it would keep him from straying so much. Poor fella's incision got infected. So then I came home and saw him wearing this. I absolutely had to take a picture. He is dealing with it pretty well. .....ha ha....I can't help but laugh when I look at it. He looks like a retard dog. ha ha ha My neighbor David said he looks like he ate a cheerleader and thats all he's got to show for it. :-o) Posted by Hello

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