Monday, April 11, 2005

If you want this dog, you can soon find him at the pound

Our next door neighbors have a half-wolf dog named Kila. He is like an Alpha male and all dogs come to him. This is one of the latest ones. It is a stray. But eats Kila's food, so it finds no reason to leave. Usually I just shew them away or ignore them. But this dog has decided he will pester Snickers (my chihuahua) when she goes outside. This has just been an annoyance before. But the other night, she actually bit and scratched her. This caused certain scenarios to flash through my mind. All of which ended with pain and/or death for this dog. However, my moral constraints will not allow me. So I am going to call the pound soon and happily tote the mut away. The dog better be glad it doesn't have my dad for a neighbor. I could explain that further for those of you who don't know my dad, but thats a whole other post. But this pup will soon be "dogg'on"Posted by Hello

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