Sunday, August 14, 2005


I want to put up this little addendum to my truck selling post.

I sold the truck the other day; or should I say night. The original guy that was going to buy it didn't, and so this black guy (I only say that so you can get a mental picture going) from New Jersey, who lives in Stone Mountain (not actually inside of it) calls me and sets up a time to come buy it. He basically says over the phone he is going to buy it. I had it listed for more than the bluebook on purpose, and so of course he wanted me to come down some, and I did, but still ended up selling it for $400 more than bluebook.

Anyway, the guy decides to wait until dark (9:30 PM) to get to my house. Why someone wants to buy a used vehicle in the dark I don't know. But he gets here with his wife. I give him a worklight to look at it, we drive to town, he looks at it under the WalMart and RaceTrac lights.

The truck is a 4 cylinder, and has a ticking and sometimes low knocking sound. Its been that way since I bought it. When I bought it I made them give me a 48 k warranty just in case. It still has 20k left on it. I explained to him what noises coming from the engine were; according to what the mechanic told me when I bought it. (Pistons slapping the sides of the cylinder). At any rate, he bought it and drove it home.

Next day, he calls, says he hears the low knocking, when before he heard only the ticking, and that now that it's day, he sees a noticable scratch. He said he wanted to take it to a mechanic and if it didn't check out, he would like his money back. He talked to Tori first, Tori called and told me. I told her to go to the bank immediately (it was about to open) and cash the check. She did, and it cleared. Then I call the guy back, he says the same thing to me, and then says he "felt vunerable" last night, because it was so late, he had driven so far, and his neighbors were keeping his kids.

Okay. I told the guy that I had been honest and fair with him, I had explained to him what the sounds were, and that was what a mechanic told me, he got to come up and drive the truck, I gave him a light to look at it, and bottom line, I wasn't going to give him his money back. I didn't say this part, but, you can't buy a vehicle, and then wake up the next morning and decide you don't want it anymore. If I had mislead him, that would be one thing, but I was fully honest in explaining the noises and scratches, and I DID tell him, he had to accept responsibility when buying a used vehicle to check it out.

He started to raise his voice, and thats when I had to tell him to talk to the hand. Ok, not really, but thats when I told him the "take responsibility" thing, and when he saw I wouldn't back down, the conversation ended and I went back to my teaching.

He ended up calling me later, and saying he had taken it to a mechanic, and it all checked out. He said he would not contact me anymore, and that he was just distraught and had thought about putting a stop payment on the check. I thought about mentioning, (but didn't) that he would have had a hard time doing that because I had my wife at the bank when the doors opened, but I decided that would serve no purpose to tell him that. So I just reiterated to him that I had been honest with him and I hope the truck serves him well.

So that was that. This is the end of my story. Mother, if you are reading this, please know that I am aware of my many run-on sentences but, it is a blog and I don't care.


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