Sunday, August 07, 2005

Will Give Blood For Cookies

Well, I thought I had better post while I had the chance. The work-week is about to start up again and I know I'll be busy. I tried sending this picture on my phone earlier, but it wouldn't let me. Jared suggested turning my phone off and back on, and wouldn't you know it, wa-la, it worked.

This picture was from Saturday at The Mall of Georgia. Goes to show you, I'd rather have a needle stuck into my flesh, than to stand around in JC Pennys. Actually that needle was more like a very small pipe. The hole in that needle was gigantic. I always like to watch them stick it in. It's so cool. Doesn't really hurt, thats part of what's so amazing about it. Anyway, funny thing was, before I got to "the chair", I had to answer questions and get my finger pricked. While I was waiting for a booth to open up so I could do that, I noticed a sign on every booth that said something like "Hazard: Potential Blood Spray Area". I thought that was interesting. I was thinking "What kind of freak accident would have to happen back there for blood to be 'spraying' everywhere?"

Anyway, I get back there....the guy pricks my finger, and then, (how, I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention), from the little bitty pricked hole in my finger, blood sprays all up this guy's white lab coat. You should have seen the look on his face.

Turns out it wasn't the first time it happened to him. He had it one time, and he was talking at the time, and blood got in his mouth. know that has to make you think about wonderful life-ending scenarios.

But anyway, I used my "Be nice to me, I gave blood today." sticker for all it was worth for the rest of the day. And I got peanut butter cookies and a fruit drink. Didn't they used to give cash for giving blood? Ah, the good ole days.

I really wanted to answer yes to some of those funny questions they ask you when you give blood. When we were flying through them, it did throw her off when I had to answer yes to questions about traveling to Africa, Mexico, El Salvador,etc. But it would be so hilarious to answering yes to the "Have you ever accepted liquid cocaine for sexual contact with South African prostitues while shooting up with dirty needles?" questions. I almost considered doing it, just to see the nurse's reaction. ...but then, after further thought, I realized she might not find it as amuzing as me.

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