Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Took the kids to the zoo today. Maybe I'll post pictures later. It was HOT!!!!!!! (As I'm sure Michael can attest to, since he was at 6 flags). And don't go all macho and say it wasn't hot, just cause you live in Fla. You know it was hot. The high was 99 F in ATL.

As I looked at the mighty yet majestic Silver back Gorillas, and the kingly Lions,.....one reflective thought settled on my mind...... how cool would it be to see those two fight to the death. Who would win? I think the lion probably would, but I would want the Gorilla to. Those things are super strong...and I'd want to see it pick up a lion and throw it about 150 yards in a perfect spiral. Zoo Atlanta workers...think about it....you could make this happen!!!

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