Saturday, October 30, 2004

Does the Chupacabra really exist?

. Posted by Hello

Click here to find out what a "Chupacabra" is.

Click here to read the news story.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Michael's "drivetrain of thought" blog

Check out his blog by clicking here. Its loads of fun and is kid tested and mother approved.
Worlds Oldest Man
This is truly amazing. The oldest documented man in the world, who will turn 114 on December 1 has some pretty amazing facts going for him. His SON is 84! He RETIRED from his job in 1957! Oh and he happens to be a Red Sox fan. I wonder if he'll be taking part in the ensuing riots.

Monday, October 25, 2004

David - Nate - J-Rod Posted by Hello

"Tori, there's something I've wanted to tell you.........I need to be free on Sundays from 1 to 4 to watch the Falcons." Posted by Hello

J-Rod on the left Posted by Hello

"Hey yo!.........we're here to clean your toilets." Posted by Hello

David at age 3. (He once got a ticket for tailgating a lie) Posted by Hello

Me before I began my love affair with cheesecake Posted by Hello

pandas gone wild Posted by Hello

back when I braved the raging seas (of Hiawassee) Posted by Hello

me and my woman Posted by Hello

Tori and I meeting Diane Sawyer Posted by Hello

Me and Tori meeting Charlie Gibson (who just did one of the last presidential debates) Posted by Hello

Me and David back in college -- being the pimps we are. Posted by Hello

This is when I learned not to use a flash when taking a picture into a mirror. Posted by Hello

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Michael....This one's for you!

Flying lawnmower
Michael, this is a combination of the 2 things
you love the most. Make sure you have your speakers
on! Make sure you are at a fast computer too. This
thing has the perfect song to go with it.
(EVERYONE: Watch this!)

I bet that wasn't a boring conversation Posted by Hello

Now thats a jackolantern Posted by Hello

Bush / Kerry Hip Hop Debate

In case you're in the mood
for something funny yet retarded.

Baby, anyone?

Ironic. Incredibly ironic. It’s amazing to me how so many of my friends are having babies. It basically works out like this:

Michael = baby born last March. Mine will be born this March.
Cary = baby is due in March, just days before mine is due.
David = baby is due 3 months before mine.
Another buddy of mine = baby is due 3 months after mine.

Must be in the water.

Blackened or with Lemon Pepper?

Monster washes up near Farewell Spit

Need I say more?

Need I say more? Posted by Hello

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Dear Future Me

At FutureMe.Org, you can write an email to yourself and set it to be delivered to you at any point in the future.

Pretty cool, huh?

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Would you like a video card with that?

Well, I'm in the process of buying a new computer. But it's been harder than I thought it was going to be. I have heard from computer know-it-alls for a long time, that only people who want to pay for more than what they get buy a pre-made computer. Those who know - buy the pieces and put it together. So that is the route I have chosen.

While I am very computer literate, I am not very computer "part" literate. Luckily, my friend Jared is knowledgeable about the subject and has helped me out a great deal. I think if he was not helping me, I may just have had to buy a premade computer and taken what I got.

So Jared has helped me look up all the little pieces, making sure I have the best quality for my money, and at the best prices the internet has to offer.

I asked a friend at church Sunday, who works for a computer company, and he wasn't exactly in favor of piecing it together. But when I followed the advice of a couple people and built one on Dell's website (Gateway was very comparable), by the time I added all the things I wanted, the price had gushed to over $1700. Which is WAY over what I was looking to spend. Jared and I had just been talking about the prices of parts recently and he mentioned that I could get a floppy drive for about $10. Well, when I added that to my "Dell", they wanted to charge $27! That was a red flag right there.

The guy from church's argument (that said buy premade), was that 5 yrs. ago (when I had my current one built from the ground up), there was not streaming video, etc. But at the prices that the premade places want, I could not afford it anyway. So now, however, I have a lingering concern that these parts will not complement each other.

However, Jared assures me they will. And so I think getting it piece by piece is my only hope. So I'm going to cross my fingers and see if it really is still better to do the footwork yourself. ...or should I say my friend Jared's footwork. I've tried to do all I can, but he's been more help to me than I have.

It seems ashame that it has to be so difficult to buy a good computer. But those companies seem to want to squeeze every penny they can out of every last computer "part" illiterate one of us.

I say...go eBay!

got blog? Better check, it might be taken

My friend Michael started a blog, and I thought it was a cool idea. From what I understand, blogs have just come on the scene in recent times. I know I heard a lot about it in the campaign of Howard Dean in the Democratic Primary. (Not that I have any fond feelings about the Democratic Primary, I just heard about it in the news). I stayed awake at night trying to think of a good name. Then finally, a couple nifty headings came to mind. Being that this is not an age-old media, I figured I could brainstorm a catchy name for mine, without it already being taken (Like all the times I’ve had to alter usernames. Who wants to be “charlie4953urbz903”?) Well, guess again.

As I tried to install my unique and catchy titles, I came to find that someone else is as clever as me. Let me give you an idea:

got blog?

Hey, now that’s catchy. Too bad was taken by a man in 2001, who wanted to post “Hi, I’m god.” three times in a row and hasn’t darkened the door of his blog since.

How about, “web of thought”....

Well, “Becky” got to that one first. Drop by and you will see her entrepreneurial spirit embodied in this quote:

explores ways in which knowledge/expressions are related to other knowledge/expressions. focii: genealogy, knowledge classification (eg dewey decimal classification), canadian tv/cinema, queer stuff, anything that pops into my head, it'll be fun -- i promise

She broke her promise and never returned.

And then there was “blogology”...

At least this guy actually put some stuff on his blog. True, he hasn’t been back since February but I’ll give him credit for the original effort.

“brain web?”

Nope. He had high hopes though. This is part of what his ONE entry said:

I will attempt to use this Weblog to capture all of the relevant information available on the World Wide Web. EVERYTHING!I am an information junkie. I love information. I love technology. I LOVE THE WEB! Not for what it is, but for what it does and better yet, what it can do that hasn't even been thought of yet. I will attempt to categorize every bit of information in the world in this weblog and hope that it will become a resource for people of all nations, gender, religion, age and all of the ways we human beings define ourselves.

...and then I suppose the cartoon network came back on and he gave up his aspirations for world unification.

So here I am. The creator of “cranium web”. Alternate wording, but the idea I wanted just the same. Now I’m curious to see what’s at But something tells me I might be befuddled by what I’d find.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

It's a boy! Posted by Hello

Here is Micah looking up. You can see his teeth as the 2 white lines. Posted by Hello

Introducing Micah Walter Kelly

My wife Tori is about 5 months pregnant. Just yesterday we saw the ultrasound for the first time and found out it is a boy! So I want my very first blog to introduce Micah. His expected arrival date is March 13th.

God has surely blessed us