Saturday, April 30, 2005

Bubbling baby

"Oh my goodess....he's going to drop me in the hot tub."
(Click on picture to enlarge.)

**More pictures have been added to me Micah Pictorial Blog.
Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.


Well, the other day, I was adding another profile pic and quote, and then somehow saved it having erased a large portion of my blog. So all my links are gone, etc. will take a little while to fix, maybe several days. But in the meantime I am getting it going again enough to be able to continue posting entrees.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Sorry I haven't put up anything since Tuesday...

It's been a busy few days. I spent yesterday with my headmaster and another science teacher visiting and talking with the science department at a nearby Independent Prep School. Huge campus, but I wore black dress shoes that are extremely uncomfortable, and so since I had to leave there and go straight to church where I was until about 9, my feet were killing me and are still sore today. I'm sure that is a fact that will keep you up thinking tonight, and the comment box will get at least 50 hits. Thank you for your attention.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Welcome to Walmart! We're rolling back prices on black or white Jesus. Coming next week are female Jesus and Asian Uni-sex Jesus.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

And next on the list.....

Well, I'm finishing up "Investing For Dummies". I was going to break down a summary of the book, and let some people have it who are interested (mainly it is for me to have to remember what I read), but then I became concerned about plagiarising the book. (The spelling on that word looks funny, but thats what the dictionary says.) So what I'm going to do, so that I'm not just coppin' Eric Tyson M.B.A.'s original ideas, is I'm going to reference several books. That way I can quote from them some, without feeling like I'm just giving away copyrighted information so people don't have to buy the book. Information about investing is common knowledge, so its ok....I dunno, I just don't want to cross the line. So anyway....I said all that to say this --> "Investing Demystified" is the next book I am getting. I won't have to read it all the way through though before I start my little write-up, I can just use it (and probably one other book I'm going to find) as a resource. I was flipping through this book at "Book-a-million" and I really liked the way it was laid out. Here is some info about the book and the author....

The first Demystified guide to take the mystery out of investing, Investing Demystified provides independent investors with hands-on explanations of basic investing topics without needless detours. Built around the no-nonsense model that has made Demystified one of McGraw-Hill's most popular series, this helpful and practical self-teaching guide cuts right to the chase and gives straightforward direction to anyone tired of being confused by Wall Street jargon and the investing arena.

Paul Lim is senior editor and personal finance writer for U.S. News & World Report. A former staff writer for Money and personal finance columnist for the Los Angeles Times, Lim is the author of Money Mistakes You Can't Afford to Make.

I was just talking to Jared the other day, about how my motivation for learning about investing has been quelched a little bit recently, by my finding out that I will be keeping my same job next year, except then I will be taking a big hit to pay for family health insurance. So won't actually have any money to invest next year. But I'm trying to keep my motivation up by convincing myself I am getting my ducks in a row, and will be prepared when I will no longer have to eat mayonaise sandwiches and drink water for lunch everyday.

Friday, April 22, 2005

My funny 8th graders

I thought this story they told me was funny, so I'm sharing it.......

You know how recently we went on a field trip to Charleston? Well, we took a chartered bus. The adults basically sat toward the front and the kids towards the back. Well, they wrote down one of their cell phone numbers on a piece of cardboard, and a sign that said "CALL ME!!!" Well, this one guy starts to pass the bus, and he sees the sign. A minute later, this guy calls the cell phone and tells the kids, "Hey, you shouldn't do that!" Ok, ok, I thought that was funny in and of itself. He thinks they shouldn't do that, he calls their number. But thats not the funny part. Another minute later, the bus starts to pull ahead and pass the guy in his car. The guy in his car looks over and sees that my students have now replaced their cell phone number on the sign, with his.

ha ha ha ha ha

So they're riding around getting people to call his cell phone. ....ha know he had to feel duped. I have to give them credit for that prank. I don't feel too sorry for the guy either. That's what he gets for calling the number.

Hot (Stolen) Tamales

I put a quarter in this machine at the mall. It gives me 2 1/2 hot tamales! It wouldn't even give me a full three....the third one was only a half one. How does it manage that?

Whats funnier is that then I put in another quarter for more. (But this time I shook them loose first.)

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

David Eugene Cox II's non-blogging

I would just like to point out that, David, everyone has a blog/site but you. I even created a blog for David a long time ago. Want to see it, it's Did he ever use it, no? Sometimes cool things happen, and do people get to know? No. For instance, David's big black lab, who he got as a puppy from my neighbor, which now weighs 400 lbs., just got half his ear bitten off by a mystery dog. That would have been a great post.

So, I would like for people to comment and try to convince David (even if you don't know him), that he should have a blog. Ignore all comments from him such as "I don't have the time or patience." This is not true.

Look....all I'm saying, is that in this picture particularly, ...he really looks like the Emperor from Star Wars. ....cane and all.

Delectable and Foul (all at once)

I just found Snickers chewing on this in the backyard. From my background in paleontology I know that this is birdamusmaximus. It has caused Snicker's breath to become what is known as "stank".

Monday, April 18, 2005

New Pictures

Lots of new pictures were added to the "Micah Kelly Pictorial".

You can get to it by clicking on the link in the side bar. I added a few onto this blog and included a blog about his dedication Sunday.

Micah's dedicaition

Mom, Dad and Micah at his dedication. See picture below for info.

Micah's dedication to the Lord (4-17-05)

Micah, parents, and both sets of grandparents at his dedication.

Well, yesterday we took Micah to church where we dedicated him to the Lord. It was a special time, since both sets of grandparents got to come. We took him before the church, and the pastor "talked" to him and prayed for him. We did a responsive reading, along with the pastor and the congregation. Micah was very good. Tori was smart and fed him right before. So he hardly made a sound, yet was awake the whole time. Micah gave a short sermon and then blessed the masses.

Yes, Snickers thinks she has full qualifications to be included in this family photo.

Micah and Daddy chillin' at Uncle Kyle's house.

Micah loves his baths. To see more pics, check out the link to his pictorial in the sidebar.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Doesn't this look like a demon-possessed chihuahua?

BRISTOL, Great Britain -- 'Kintana' is the first captive bred aye-aye, an arboreal nocturnal lemur, Daubentonia madagascariensis, a native to Madagascar, to be born in the United Kingdom. Bristol Zoo Gardens announced that it is the first UK zoo to successfully breed and hand-rear an aye-aye, the largest nocturnal primate in the world and one of the strangest mammals on the planet. (04/15/05 AP photo)
Posted by Hello

Whale-Dolphin Hybrid Has Baby Wholphin

At first I wasn't sure if I believed this, but I checked and it is an Associated Press article, plus I remember seeing on TV where a Zebra and a Donkey mated. It was called a Zeedonk. Click here to read the article.

Posted by Hello

Check out the bumper sticker on the truck. (Click on the picture to enlarge it.) Posted by Hello

Terrell Owens wants new contract

This post is funny if you know anything about the Philadelphia Eagles' wide reciever Terrell Owens.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Posted by Hello

Limited Time Offer!

For only $49.99, YOU TOO can take the "Riding with David Cox Preparation Course." Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Sleepless in Cornelia

I just decided to go ahead and get up for awhile. Can't sleep. I've got nothing better to do, so I'll blog. I should have gone to sleep at about 10. But I didn't go to bed until 11:30. I laid there for an hour and now it's 12:30 and I've got no inkling I'm about to fall asleep. I could have taken a sleeping pill if I had known. But you can't take one of those things if you don't have a good 8 hrs. to sleep 'cause it'll make you feel whacked if you get up in only a few hours. So I'm stuck with my sleepless situation.

I've got job situation on the brain. If I have much anything to think about it can keep me awake for awhile, but if something big's going on, its torture trying to fall asleep. I even had to turn down the brightness on my monitor, 'cause it was hurting my eyes. I wish I had my wife's gift. Head hits the pillow.....instant dreamtime. Must be nice.

I'm bored really. Can't sleep, but too tired to do anything. What stinks is it'll make me feel wasted tomorrow. I've got to go turn in a job application tomorrow in the county where I used to teach. My trucks not working either, but I'll post about that later. maybe.

I guess this'll call for some serious dosage of caffiene in the morning. Sometimes I go by Burger King on the way to work, and get a coffee with my breakfast. But you can't wash anything down with coffee, so sometimes I drink a coke and a coffee with it. Now thats some serious caffienage.

Before I got up, I put my head on the bed where Snickers was....and after a minute she woke up real startled, and looked at me like "What the crap? Leave me alone." And she got up and walked over to Tori and got under the covers. It was kinda funny. But it reminded me of when I was a kid (like 10) and I put my face next to our sleeping Yorkshire Terrier, and he woke up.......and bit me in the face and wouldn't let go. I had to go get stiches. It made me miss karate that day, which made me mad, because it was sparring day and I was psyched about it. I actually have matching scar lines. One on each cheek. The other one came from when I was a kid and I went into my parents' bedroom and looked at the ceiling and started spinning around trying to get dizzy on purpose. And then I tried to fall on their bed. But I missed and caught the corner of their dresser instead. My dad came running out of the shower with soap still in his hair to see what had happened. Maybe I'm just trying to be symmetrical.

Hey, random rambling is fun. Lets keep going.

I used to like to hide in my mom's walk in closet. It smelled funny in there. ha ha ha. That makes it sound like her clothes stunk. They didn't, but it did have a stuffy smell in there. It was an awesome place to hide in hide and seek. We had a trap door to the basement / crawlspace in the washroom. It was always hidden under a trash can. We were taught, if somebody was breaking in, to go and go through it and hide in the basement. Kind of like the Nazis invading and we go hide in a trap door in the floor. I thought it was a cool thing when I was a kid. That house I grew up in was cool. My dad hid gold in the basement. Real gold. Outside by the treehouse, my brother and I each had our own tree. Each one wasn't allowed in the other's tree. One time, Bobby got in my tree and I knocked him out of it. I think he broke his arm.

My treehouse was really cool. My dad built it and it was really big. It was built up on four big metal poles and had a ladder from the ground to it, and a knotted rope thing to climb up. There was lots of room inside. If you know my mom, this next part's funny. Eventually my mom "bought" my treehouse from me so she could raise birds in it.

Oh, another funny story about the tree (what the mess....why does Norton Antivirus pop up at the wierdest times to tell me my subscription ran out........) anyway, about the treehouse. I had just learned to draw a star. You know, that 5 pointed star thats one line that just criss-crosses. Yeah, well I just learned to draw it. So in my treehouse I spray painted a big one on the wall. Then, just to make it look like a more official symbol........I drew a circle around it. think about it. What is that? Yes, thats right.......for a long time I had a giant pentagram in my treehouse.

Speaking of learning to do basic stuff.....I can remember when I couldn't snap. ....That was frustrating. I also remember not knowing what "shooting a bird" was. All my foster siblings were running around saying, "Charlie shot a bird, Charlie shot a bird", and I got all mad 'cause I didn't know what the heck they were talking about and they wouldn't tell me. I'm not a foster child by the way, for those who don't know. I was the only natural child. (They were synthetic children....jk). They were my "siblings". (Jared's laughing right now at an inside joke)

Hey, one time, I rolled up a newspaper and put the end in the fireplace and then tried to smoke it. ....It burnt my lungs. Man, talking about playing with fire....Bobby and I were pyros for real.

Hey.....ha ha....this makes me laugh, just thinking about it. I used to walk around with my little yellow plastic wagon and gather a bunch of acorns, so I could dump them in a pile in the front yard, to wait for squirrels to come to try to shoot them with my BB gun. he he he.

I chased my neighbor ( a boy ) once with my BB gun, and then shot him in the butt while he tried to run away. ...ha ha ha. It wasn't even a BB, it was a small rock.

Ok. I've wasted a good hour. Maybe now I can go to sleep.

Hey if ya'll like these stories...I got a million more. Like trying to handcuff Bobby and roll him down a hill, etc. That was actually just my goal. I never could make it happen...he could always get away. I one time wrestled him for a long time trying to handcuff him with my new metal handcuffs from Wal-Mart, but I couldn't ever get that second arm behind his back long enough. Don't feel too sorry for Bobby, he was as big as I was, so it was fair play, brother-style. Man....I sound like a little wild-child. I really wasn't as bad as I make it sound. I was just a normal kid, although I'm sure in the comment box, Jared and David will make it out like I was possessed. Bobby did things to me too. Like the time I decided for who knows what reason to get inside a blue wooden box, even though I was closterphobic (spelling?), and he sat on it and wouldn't let me out. (Although I used to like to get in the clothes hamper and shut the lid and hide, because I could see through the woven material it was made out of. Did any of you ever do that?

Anyway, that was all when I was a kid, and before I was a Christian. So don't think I do that stuff now. (Except for a few funny things I like to do with my pets....that are not harmful.....except maybe to a cat's pyschie (spelling?). Speaking of that....hey Michael, remember when you threw Stephen Holland's cat off his porch to see if it would land on its feet? ha ha.....yeah, I'll let Michael tell you the end to that story.

Ok....peece out.

Monday, April 11, 2005

The emperor has no clothes

Like King Nebucanezzar humbled in the field like an animal, so is King Kila with a halo that keeps him from licking himself.

This is actually an awesome dog, as anyone who has visited will attest. Except for maybe Jared, he's not comfortable with animals outside of boxes. (jk). Kila knows his name, is fun to play with, will go away if you tell him too, GENERALLY doesn't get into any trouble, etc. But he has been wandering alot lately, so David (my neighbor) got him fixed to see if it would keep him from straying so much. Poor fella's incision got infected. So then I came home and saw him wearing this. I absolutely had to take a picture. He is dealing with it pretty well. .....ha ha....I can't help but laugh when I look at it. He looks like a retard dog. ha ha ha My neighbor David said he looks like he ate a cheerleader and thats all he's got to show for it. :-o) Posted by Hello

If you want this dog, you can soon find him at the pound

Our next door neighbors have a half-wolf dog named Kila. He is like an Alpha male and all dogs come to him. This is one of the latest ones. It is a stray. But eats Kila's food, so it finds no reason to leave. Usually I just shew them away or ignore them. But this dog has decided he will pester Snickers (my chihuahua) when she goes outside. This has just been an annoyance before. But the other night, she actually bit and scratched her. This caused certain scenarios to flash through my mind. All of which ended with pain and/or death for this dog. However, my moral constraints will not allow me. So I am going to call the pound soon and happily tote the mut away. The dog better be glad it doesn't have my dad for a neighbor. I could explain that further for those of you who don't know my dad, but thats a whole other post. But this pup will soon be "dogg'on"Posted by Hello

This undated photo provided by Crier Communications shows Andrew Fischer of Omaha, Neb., wearing the logo for the snoring remedy, SnoreStop, on his forehead. Fischer auctioned off the use of his forehead for advertising space. SnoreStop topped the bidding by offering $37,375 on e-Bay
 Posted by Hello

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Jared. My son has the ability to see how people's life will end. Good luck. Posted by Hello

I thought I should post...

I thought I should post something, since I haven't in a few days. What can I say, it's been Spring Break for me, and I've been out of town most of the week. But the work week starts back to normal for me Monday. Fortunetly I only have about 8 weeks until summer time. We teachers love summertime even more than the students. Don't' believe me? Become a teacher. The funny thing is, knowing that for my youth leader friends, it becomes the busiest time of year.

I'm still in a quandry about where I'll be working next year. The possibilities? 1) Work at a public school = do ok financially; 2) Work at Christian School (where I am now) = be dirt poor...poorer than dirt actually. Tori would actually have to sub 6 or so days a month just for us to make it. So if that be what happens it won't be because I haven't tried to get on in the public system for next year. I love my school and want to stay, but you gotta put food on the table. So I've given it over to God and wherever He opens the door ok. Banks County (where I used to work) has posted a couple of possible openings. So I'm sending off my application for that. What stinks is I have to send out reference forms AGAIN to the same people I sent them to for Habersham County's application. So I hate to put them through that, but thats just the way it goes.

It's about 1:42 am now. I am just waiting up for Micah's 2 a.m. feeding. I have been pulling that shift all Spring get Tori a break. So I actually get more sleep when I go to work than when I am on break. But that just goes to show how tough it is on Tori when she has to do it herself. I have a baby monitor in here right now, so I hear Micah electronically snoring. He has been wearing a little heart / apnea monitor lately, so he always has these little wires hanging out of his clothes. People probably think we have to charge him at night.

Well, ok. I guess that will do for a post for now. I'll try to get some pictures on here too soon.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

On the move cannot be found. Please check the name and try again.

He's on the move.

The hunt is on.
Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.

"Dorothy, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore."

I was pulling into my driveway, I open my garage door; and as I'm pulling in, it sounds like the garage door is falling off. There is a sound of twisting metal. We look behind us, and see our neighbors shed building has been picked up by the howling wind and is rolling across his yard toward my driveway and my truck. I race over to my truck and shield it away from it as it rolls by. It ends up here in my yard. Posted by Hello

pile of things such as lawnmower, weedeater, etc. Posted by Hello

"And next on our tour, we see this wonderful piece. It depicts a rather large man, wearing only pajama pants, with a cigarette in one hand, and a cell phone in the other. He is at first thought to be looking at a nearby accident, but with closer evaluation, it is seen that he is just staring at two women....who are staring at the accident." Posted by Hello

Sunday, April 03, 2005

The begotten

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