Monday, October 30, 2006

Too tired to try hard

This is a picture of me, just laying here with my laptop, too tired and lazy to think of anything meaningful to post about.

I got back and hour or so ago from a leg workout that about killed me. Let me just say, "I hate squats". I feel like my legs are going to fall off. I might be a little more enthusiastic about it, if I played some sport or something...but I stand behind a podium for a living.

There's not really anything on TV on Monday night. ...Micah started making some crying noises, so I gave him a cup of water. He guzzled it...but now I'm afraid thats woken him up, 'cause I hear him on the baby monitor starting to talk. I hope he goes back to sleep...because I sure don't feel like getting up and entertaining him.

Well I hope you all enjoyed this very wonderful post.


Sunday, October 29, 2006

Quiet is not good

I am at home watching Micah while Tori is at church, because he has a bad runny nose. While I was watching TV, I noticed he was in the kitchen and had gotten quiet. Quiet is never good; it means mischief is afoot. So I got up and checked and he was standing by the table. He wasn't doing anything (at that moment). He just looked at me like, "What? Must you constantly accuse me?" So I sat back down on the couch. A few minutes later, I noticed it was still quiet. I knew something must be going on. I go back and check, and I find a chocolate covered Micah, and this pan of brownies with a hole in the plastic wrap and a finger dug crater in the brownies.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Just thought I'd show off my dog's big ears.

Hmm...not really much to say. Just thought I'd post, so people wouldn't have to keep looking at my blood pressure post.

...I drove a bus to a judgement house in Toccoa yesterday. Our church is doing one next year, and this group was going to get ideas. Theirs was ok. I've seen better, but overall it was good.

I'm watching Everybody Loves Raymond right now. Funny show.

Alright. Well. I hope you all enjoyed my exciting post.


Thursday, October 19, 2006


No, not batting practice...blood pressure. As you may know, recently I had a physical. Part of that was having some routine bloodwork done. The results said that things were normal except some of my lipids. But I may have eaten before this, so that may have thrown it off. But it said my cholesterol was 206, when it shouldn't be above 200. And my triglycerides were 293, when it shouldn't be above 150. I thought that was really bad, until I found out severe high starts at 500, and a guy at work has 973. Of course the doctor told him he could drop dead at any moment. But he is working to get it under control.

I started working out again after that bloodwork, so when I go back in January, that should be reflected. I'm trying to cut down on my portions and make some better choices with food too. So far, I think I'm doing ok.

The End.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

So long, frien....aquan.....thing.

I sold my Total Gym yesterday. It's been a fun 3 years. All 8 or 9 times I used you. It was memorable. Especially the falling off and such. Good thing I only spent $250 on you.

On the good side, I got $150 for it. I gave Tori 70 something of it. The rest goes in the Charlie bank.

Monday, October 16, 2006

My 800th post

Yes, blogger tells me this is my 800th post.

And what should I celebrate this with.....

Scientists at Texas A & M University who accidentally genetically engineered a flying chicken in 2005, were required by the department of agriculture to destroy the experiment notes and had to destroy the chick, as well.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Well, I figured I ought to post before going out of town

I'm driving our Sunday School class to Chattanooga tomorrow, God-willing. We are supposed to leave the church about 6:30. We're going up there for a marriage retreat. The church is paying for most all of it, which is a nice plus. I think it will be like a 3 hour drive or so. Hopefully, they'll want to take the interstate and I can just cruise.

Tori's parents are coming up to keep Micah for the weekend.

In other news, the Yankees lost ...yea!

I need to remember to record the Falcons game so I can watch it when I get back. (These are just my late at night rambling thoughts).

Peece out yooooooo

Friday, October 06, 2006

another day, another dollar

It is so easy to take a picture with my computer and just throw it up, I thought I'd just put this on here as I try to figure out what to post about.

Tori's been having some headaches that cause bluriness in her left eye and numbness in her left arm. The doctors/nurses we have talked to seem to think it is a vascular headache/migrain. We are just keeping an eye on her blood pressure which is slightly raised, but not too bad. Keep her in your prayers.

I think everyone who reads this knows now, but Tori is expecting again. She is 12 weeks along. Some people talk about how they love pregnancy, but for me it (and Tori too now) it is really a nervous time, and I don't like it. But...the stork is not real, so thats just the way it is.

Thats all I can really thing of to blog about right now....except, Michael, let me know how things are going with that Falcons game thing.....

I think we are getting together with a couple from our Sunday School class tonight to play cards...Rook I think. Our Sunday School class is really rockin' right now. Lots of young couples, and it is exciting to see their enthusiasm for serving God. We're loving it.

I've been meeting with 3 other guys as our church attempts to begin a Men's Ministry. I've contacted a bunch of churches, to gather ideas. "Men's Fraternity" seems to be the big thing out there right now. But we have great expectations, as we believe God is calling us to be a part of this, to see men accept Christ, be disciples and multiply (a have a manly, good time along the way.) We are planning to kick off with a big wild game dinner, then have men commit to signing up to a 4 week evangelistic small group Bible study, and then moving on from there with small groups, fellowships, etc. We are still in the planning stages, but we believe God is bringing things together.

Well, I guess thats it....

As my picture says.....peece.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

LOST returns for season 3

Tonight is not Wednesday. As Jared says, its "Lostday". Season 3. Let the fun begin.

Jars of Clay

Jars of Clay is kicking off a new tour with a performance at Toccoa Falls College. I'm getting in for free because I'm driving the youth on the church bus. I like Jars of Clay, so it ought to be good.

Haloscan problems

I usually can just use Haloscan's automatic installer when I make a template change, but I switched over to the beta version of blogger, and now haloscan can't automatically install, and I can get the manual install to work. So, for at least awhile, I'll have to use a regular blogger comment box, but it will at least be a pop-up.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Back in the saddle

Yesterday, for the first time in probably about 4 years, I worked out at a gym. Today, I literally have to pick up my right arm with my left, and I can't touch my nose.

I have missed working out for a long time, but regardless, I still haven't been able to do it. I tried buying a Total Gym, but that didn't last long. It's just hard to do it without a workout partner.

There is a new youth pastor at my church, Jacob, and he works out, and said he needed a workout partner. He said he had been praying for one....and so, as to most people...I am an answer to prayer. :)

But it was good. Turns out I didn't realize how nice of a gym is right down the street from me, at Piedmont College. Real nice. Besides lifting, we are supposed to do like 15 minutes of cardio after working out. So doing that 3 times a week....that should be good for me for sure.

So, only 2 more free visits, and then I've got to pay the piper and sign a one year contract to get the cheapest rate. But thats fine....I'm looking forward to getting back to working out, and feeling better.