Saturday, September 30, 2006

commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.

Webcam fun

This is a normal picture taken with my webcam - all the ones below...are not.

Leggo my eggo

Micah and his favorite breakfast food - Waffles.

This is what being around kids alot does to you.

Kids at church - having fun with the webcam.

Gone Fishin' - for Ron Wood

I went out to my favorite fishing spot again. I didn’t see any good opportunities at first, so I ended up walking around for a while. Eventually I just said, “Ok God, I’m going to walk around the clothes dept. one more time…so if there’s someone you want me to talk to, please let them show up.” So I did, and then on the way out I decided to go ahead and buy some coffee and see one last time if there was anyone to sit next too.

So I got in line, and in front of me was a heavy-set, older black man, in a wheel-chair, wearing a “Negro Leagues’ ball cap. He got his food and pulled as close as he could in his wheel chair to a table by himself. I knew right then I’d found my man.

So I got my decaf and fixed it up and sat down at his table after asking him if anyone was sitting there. He told me his blood sugar had dipped and he got some food to bring it back up. That led into a conversation that went from blood sugar – to him being a trucker for 30 years eating at truck stops – to my being a teacher – to him sharing stories that as a teacher he’d like me to know…one part of which was a quote that a teacher told him that he’d always remembered: “Try to get what you want out of life….and if you can’t get it….get what you can, and make what you want out of it.” He has children in their 30’s and 40’s and one of them actually went to Embry-Riddle School of Aviation, which is where my dad went. After I told him that my dad had been an airline mechanic at Hartsfield for about 30 years, he told me, that he too wanted to go to school to be an airline mechanic, but at that time (in the 60’s) they still weren’t accepting blacks. He said things changed, but at the time he couldn’t wait on things to change, so that’s why he got into the trucking industry.

We went on talking for a while, and I started introducing spiritual topics like the 24 hr / 365 a day church they have housed in a tractor trailer at a truck stop over in Commerce. That led me in to asking what religious background his family had. Turns out he and his wife are Christians, and Baptists at that. I didn’t stop there, I mentioned to him about denominations being what they are, but what is important is having a relationship with Jesus Christ. He wholeheartedly agreed. I got the sense that he truly was a Christian.

He and his wife live in Atlanta, but have a timeshare in Clarkesville. So I told him he should come visit our church when he’s up here. He really appreciated my invite and asked me to explain where my church was and I did. He knew the area. I got the sense that he really appreciated me talking with him and inviting him to my church. I have a good feeling that he’ll really come. I hope he does.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Doctor Appointment

Well, I had a scheduled check up today. I was glad to get a break from work, but I wasn't looking forward to seeing the doc.

I was mentally prepared for the hernia test. It happened to me once before when I had no idea it was coming. I was mentally scarred.

Today, I was ready for that. But then the doctor announced he was going to check my prostate. I'm sure my eyes got real big when he said that. Once again...not prepared. If my doctor wanted to call me his concubine, I think legally, he could do that.

After that traumatic event, I was sent downstairs for a blood test. I asked for it just to see where I was with my blood sugar and cholestorol, etc. So I did all that. So I should get a letter in a couple of days with those results.

And you know....I didn't get a dum-dum today or anything.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Playing with my webcam

This is me playing with my webcam during a meeting. If it looks like I have an "oh crap" look in my eyes it is because I forgot the camera made a noise, and people are going to realize I'm playing on my computer.

Back in business

My internet is working at home now. Turns out I just needed to unplug the modem for 30 seconds. Go me.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Micah's favorite new food: Waffles.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

My students recieving a quality education.

This is a picture from the day Micah and I first learned how to use the webcam on the laptop.


This is a photo showing Micah sweeping the floor. He loves copying us.

Red Lobster

I see Red Lobster is bringing back their endless shrimp. Mmmm.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

I would just like to say...

the show "Pinks" is coolest show ever.

Kelly Family Mission Statement

In our Sunday School class we have been studying about having a family mission statement. We have all been challenged to get together with our family and meditate on it and hammer one out. So Tori and I have finally done this, (because the psuedo-deadline is Sunday) and I think we have it. This is not written in stone, but I'm pretty sure this is it.


We are a God-centered family. We seek to authentically live in a biblical way, so as to cause others to give glory to God alone. Our in-house desires are to constantly draw close to God, lift each other up, and use God’s Word as our Guide and Authority. Our outward focus is to self-sacrifice all that is necessary to actively seek out others, in order to bring them to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and then make them all that they can be in Him.

Blog famine

You know, I remember a time when there were multiple blogs that I checked everyday. And they were almost always fresh. Those were the good ole days. I wonder sometimes why I continue to do a blog. And I think part of the reason I haven't quit (or really never started, like some), is because I do this in part just for me. I like having a journal of my life.

Now admittedly, if NO ONE ever checked this thing, I doubt I could justify continuing it. But I guess as long as I have an excuse, I will continue to blog away.

I think of it just as Michael recently said on Drivetrain, "a casual conversation with close friends." (I put that in a quote, so I hope I got that right word for word.) But thats exactly what it is. I've never broadcast my blog. As a matter of fact I keep it purposefully under wraps...not really because I'm ashamed of what I'm saying, but because it is usually personal thoughts or ideas or conversations that are meant for people who really know I don't have to qualify everything I say.

(I have had 2 people however, think that I really allow Micah to beat up on Snickers...this of course is not really the case. I just humorously tell the story of his burgeoning attempts.)

I like my blog. I like keeping in contact with my friends and family through my blog. So I toast you blog; even as the blog Titanic I toast you on is sinking. I choose to go down with the ship.


Charlie Moment 9.14.06

I was discussing with the class the 3 types of heat transfer.
1) Radiation
2) Conduction
3) Convection

During my discussion and constantly going back and forth between conduction...convection...conduction...convection...I accidentally made a hybrid and said conf&$*#tion. I got the first 2/3 out before I caught myself. (Unfortunately that was the bad part.)

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Gone Fishin' - for Danny

Trip numero dos to the ole fishin’ hole.

I went off to Wal-Mart McD’s again. When I got there, I did the look around. Checked out the place. But I didn’t see anybody that was by themselves looking like it would be easy to talk to.

So I decided to walk around for a few minutes to see if the situation would change. I went to the electronics dept. for awhile. Then eventually the automotive section. I ran into a friend from church and talked to him for a couple of minutes. Then I headed back to McD’s.

Still didn’t see any good targets. I decided to buy some lunch, and wait for the situation to change. So I bought my food, and while I was buying it, there was a table where a young Wal-Mart worker was eating with an old lady Wal-Mart worker on break. I noticed the old lady get up and go back to work.

But the thing was, there was not a good place to sit near him I thought, plus he seemed to be real into his comic book. (Spiderman). So ended up sitting further away.

But I knew that was the guy I wanted to talk to. I had prayed for courage before I got there, and luckily the Lord helped me out and let me just get up and go sit at the table next to him. (Even though I was half-way done with my lunch.)

So I did, and I made a comment about the next Spiderman movie coming out, and then we ended up talking for about 15 minutes or so about that and then other kinds of stuff.

I knew his break time would be running out, and I didn’t want it to without doing what I came to do. So I asked him what religious background his family had. He went on to tell me that they were Pentecostal. He lived in Toccoa, but hadn’t been to church in awhile. I asked him if he was a Christian, and he said he was. I asked him if he found himself standing before God, and God asked him why He should let him into heaven, what would he tell Him?

His answer was basically that he was a good person and tried to do the right things.

So then I talked with him about God’s standard, and used the 10 Commandments to illustrate how I, (and he admitted himself too) had broken all those commandments in some way. I talked to him how we were not good enough on our own, and that’s why we had to repent of our sins and put our faith in Christ, much like a person would put their faith in a parachute. I went over that with him several times to make sure he understood.

He was very receptive. He didn’t make any decision right there, but I know that the seed was sown. That is what I’m responsible for. I asked him his name as I left, it was Danny.

That’s exactly the kind of conversations that I most love to have. I look forward to many more.

Sow generously.
Sow generously.

Micah Fu - The Legend Continues

Micah is becoming increasingly violent to Snickers as he embraces his manhood and inherited animal treatment heritage.

It is so funny. Yesterday he wants to hit Snickers, so stomps over to the couch and unfortunately for him, Tori blocks backs his little arms trying to wail on the dog. So since he can't reach it, he gets a magazine and then comes back and throws it at the dog. Then Snickers runs to the other side of the couch. Micah walks over, steps up on his little stool by the couch; looks at Snickers, and then gives his best Zidane headbutt. But the hilarious part is that now that is his thing. He headbutts Snickers, and the he puts up his hands in the "what?" position, and then headbutts again. So he's all the time walking over and headbutting Snickers, and going "what?", (even making the "what?" noise). So funny.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Larry Sighting

I saw Larry at KFC yesterday.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Gone Fishin' - for Larrys and Marys

I have blogged in the recent past about how I have felt very compelled in the recent year or so to be actively engaged in personal evangelism. For the past…maybe 8 months or so…I have been involved in visitation at church. That is every Tuesday. Although that does occasionally lead to salvation-related conversations, it often involved just visiting people who have visited the church, etc. This is fine and everything, but I am interested mostly in the evangelistic part.

I have been watching a evangelism training series by Ray Comfort, a renown personal evangelist in California, and I noticed one of his methods he advocates. He related it to fishermen having their “favorite fishing spots”. He suggested that we, as Christians, have favorite fishing spots too. He goes out to an outdoor mall area, and engages people in conversations there. So I was trying to think of an area where I could go….my own “fishing spot”. We don’t have a mall nearby, so I found the nearest thing…Wal-mart.

So the other day I scouted it out, looking to see how I could work it. At first it didn’t look very promising, because unlike a mall, where people often “cruise around”, the people in Wal-mart seemed to be more busy looking into their purchases. But then I found the golden Wal-mart nugget. The in-store McDonalds. Our Wal-mart has a McDonalds, and not only that…but unlike most McD’s, where people hurriedly eat and run…at the Wal-mart one, a lot of people just chill; especially men waiting on their wives. Also, early in the morning there is an abundance of old people sippin’ their coffee and chatting. This was the fishin’ hole I’d been looking for.

So I decided that at least once a week I will head to my fishing spot and try to engage someone with the Gospel. Today was my first day.

So, after doing some work on the garage, I took a showered, put on some decent looking clothes, asked God for His help and blessing, and then trucked it over to Wal-mart.

I walked in feeling excited, but a bit strange. I mean…here I was at Wal-mart, but not to buy anything. I of course had to check out McDonalds, but didn’t want to look too obvious, so I had to pretend to look at some clothes nearby, while I scanned the area to look for a suitable target. They had to look like they’d be in a position to talk, and have an empty table next to them.

I saw a guy, probably mid to late 30’s. Mustache. Looked like a good opportunity. So I made my way in to Ronald’s house, and waited in line to buy a cup of coffee. While I was waiting, the guy got up and left…so I started look around for plan B. Mr. Plan B was sitting by himself in the corner…just sitting there with a cup of coffee on the table. So I got my coffee, and went and sat down at the table next to him.

He was an older fella. Probably about 60 – 65. Bald. Heavy. Thick glasses. And had 2 teeth on the bottom, one of them pointed, and both of them yellow.

He and the other older folks who were in the corner, probably wondered what a 20-something was doing coming and sitting down in the middle of them. I tried opening with some friendly conversation. There was a mother with a toddler nearby, and I mentioned to the man that I had a son about that age. …his response……..nothing….not even a nod.

Ok, I thought,…not exactly a good start. An older woman nearby started chatting about how she used to baby-sit, but was too absent minded now. She was talking freely, but Mr. Plan B wasn’t saying a word. I didn’t know if he was just quiet, …unfriendly….mute…or what. But even after saying something else to him….I got a big 0. I started to think to myself…”oh well, at least I tried.”

I tried again, mentioning that it looked like we might get some more rain.

This time I got a response. The man…slowly and with a country accent…told me it was supposed to rain on and off all day. We began to talk about a couple of things…and then when I noticed him listening to a group of men’s conversation about church at nearby tables, I mentioned to him that there sure was a lot of churches around here. He agreed. I told him that I went to church at Bethlehem in Clarkesville. He said that he went to the Torch. (A Church of God church).

Then I felt a bit of a release, but I didn’t want to quit there, because there are a lot of people who go to church who aren’t Christians.

We talked more and I talked about the Gospel with him, and found out that he seemed to indeed be a Christian and even talked with me about something he had been praying about. But he did mention how he had felt like nobody cared if he went to his church, and had visited some other places. When you looked at him, he didn’t exactly look like someone you’d be attracted to. Old, heavy-set man, thick-glasses, 2 yellow bottom teeth. But we have to remember, that very man is the apple of God’s eye, and was reason enough to send Jesus to Earth. So he told how he felt like God told him, that even though no one else may know he was there, God knew. And so he still went.

I told him, I wasn’t trying to pull him away from his church, but if he ever did visit around again, to come visit us at Bethlehem. He seemed genuinely touched that someone was singling him out to talk with and invite to visit their church. And about visiting, he nodded his head, and then said, “I might just surprise you.”

I told him I had to go, but I introduced myself and asked his name. “Larry”, he said. I told him to find me if he ever came to visit our church. And with that I left.

It wasn’t a salvation decision. But it was a good talk with a man who probably didn’t think most people would care to talk to him.

I look forward to going back soon, and seeing what fish I get next. But I thought I’d share my first experience at my new McDonald’s Fishing Hole.

Crocodile Hunter - Steve Irwin Killed by Animal

Steve Irwin, while fiming a documentary trying to demystify stringrays....was killed by a stingray.

[You knew it was going to happen sooner or later.]

(What actually bothers me most about this though, is that I know he wasn't a Christian...that is what is truely sad.)

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Gag Me

On the way home from church tonight, Micah was sticking his finger in his throat, gagging, laughing, and then repeating this over and over.

Saturday, September 02, 2006



Webcam / Yahoo Messenger

Do any of you (besides Jared) have a webcam that works with your computer? Mine does, and I've been trying it out with Yahoo! Messenger. Jared has one, and I'd thought I'd see if any of the rest of you do too.

A good example

This is a good example of nothing going on...but posting something anyway...just so when people click on the blog...they at least see some change. I should be some of your role models.


Tori and I went to Commerce yesterday. We were at one of the shopping outlets, and there was a KB Toys store there. They had toys set out in front of the store on the sidewalk too.

Micah saw the thing he liked immediately. It was a very small ball pit; with those multi-colored plastic balls in it.

As part of Micah's "Micah-Fu" development, he not only masters hand / head to hand combat, but also weaponry. In this case he teased his victim (me) with the spherical plastic projectiles.

He would pull a plastic ball out of the pit, and then throw it towards the parking lot. Of course, I had to play rover, and go fetch this and return it to the pit. He began doing this over and over; amuzed at my fetching of his projectiles.

So then he starts pulling two balls out of the pit. Looking me in the eyes...grinning...and then throwing the balls simultaneously in opposite directions.

Dance monkey,!

A Reminder

A reminder to check Tori's blog from time to time. She puts some good stuff about whats going on up on her blog. Leave a comment if you visit. or else.