Saturday, September 09, 2006

Gone Fishin' - for Danny

Trip numero dos to the ole fishin’ hole.

I went off to Wal-Mart McD’s again. When I got there, I did the look around. Checked out the place. But I didn’t see anybody that was by themselves looking like it would be easy to talk to.

So I decided to walk around for a few minutes to see if the situation would change. I went to the electronics dept. for awhile. Then eventually the automotive section. I ran into a friend from church and talked to him for a couple of minutes. Then I headed back to McD’s.

Still didn’t see any good targets. I decided to buy some lunch, and wait for the situation to change. So I bought my food, and while I was buying it, there was a table where a young Wal-Mart worker was eating with an old lady Wal-Mart worker on break. I noticed the old lady get up and go back to work.

But the thing was, there was not a good place to sit near him I thought, plus he seemed to be real into his comic book. (Spiderman). So ended up sitting further away.

But I knew that was the guy I wanted to talk to. I had prayed for courage before I got there, and luckily the Lord helped me out and let me just get up and go sit at the table next to him. (Even though I was half-way done with my lunch.)

So I did, and I made a comment about the next Spiderman movie coming out, and then we ended up talking for about 15 minutes or so about that and then other kinds of stuff.

I knew his break time would be running out, and I didn’t want it to without doing what I came to do. So I asked him what religious background his family had. He went on to tell me that they were Pentecostal. He lived in Toccoa, but hadn’t been to church in awhile. I asked him if he was a Christian, and he said he was. I asked him if he found himself standing before God, and God asked him why He should let him into heaven, what would he tell Him?

His answer was basically that he was a good person and tried to do the right things.

So then I talked with him about God’s standard, and used the 10 Commandments to illustrate how I, (and he admitted himself too) had broken all those commandments in some way. I talked to him how we were not good enough on our own, and that’s why we had to repent of our sins and put our faith in Christ, much like a person would put their faith in a parachute. I went over that with him several times to make sure he understood.

He was very receptive. He didn’t make any decision right there, but I know that the seed was sown. That is what I’m responsible for. I asked him his name as I left, it was Danny.

That’s exactly the kind of conversations that I most love to have. I look forward to many more.

Sow generously.
Sow generously.

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