Sunday, October 29, 2006

Quiet is not good

I am at home watching Micah while Tori is at church, because he has a bad runny nose. While I was watching TV, I noticed he was in the kitchen and had gotten quiet. Quiet is never good; it means mischief is afoot. So I got up and checked and he was standing by the table. He wasn't doing anything (at that moment). He just looked at me like, "What? Must you constantly accuse me?" So I sat back down on the couch. A few minutes later, I noticed it was still quiet. I knew something must be going on. I go back and check, and I find a chocolate covered Micah, and this pan of brownies with a hole in the plastic wrap and a finger dug crater in the brownies.


David and Joanna said...

You were siked out by a 1 1/2 year old.

Unknown said...

yes, we all fear the silence. never a good thing, unless it's bedtime.

Charlie said...

It's hilarious that they know if they're quiet that they are less likely to be found out.