Monday, October 30, 2006

Too tired to try hard

This is a picture of me, just laying here with my laptop, too tired and lazy to think of anything meaningful to post about.

I got back and hour or so ago from a leg workout that about killed me. Let me just say, "I hate squats". I feel like my legs are going to fall off. I might be a little more enthusiastic about it, if I played some sport or something...but I stand behind a podium for a living.

There's not really anything on TV on Monday night. ...Micah started making some crying noises, so I gave him a cup of water. He guzzled it...but now I'm afraid thats woken him up, 'cause I hear him on the baby monitor starting to talk. I hope he goes back to sleep...because I sure don't feel like getting up and entertaining him.

Well I hope you all enjoyed this very wonderful post.



Unknown said...

My legs are thanking me today as well. Got a gym membership a couple weeks ago but haven't been able to really use it yet - Jolenn was sick the week before last and I was sick last week. All is well now so I started back yesterday morning, dead lifts were first up in my routine. Wow, my legs and lower back are feeling it.

Charlie said...

Yesterday was the hardest leg workout I've ever had. We started with squats...and we ended up doing about...well I was doing 245. Which is alot for me, just starting back. We did two different calf work-outs, the most horrible 3 sets of leg extentions...with some slow burns at the end, the hamstring machine, I forget what it is called...its the opposite of the leg ....oops, gotta go..maybe I'll tel the rest later.

Anonymous said...

I hope he goes back to sleep...because I sure don't feel like getting up and entertaining him.

i love it!

Charlie said...

I am the biggest jerk ever. I just had a horrible Charlie moment.

David and Joanna said...

i concur