Sunday, April 24, 2005

And next on the list.....

Well, I'm finishing up "Investing For Dummies". I was going to break down a summary of the book, and let some people have it who are interested (mainly it is for me to have to remember what I read), but then I became concerned about plagiarising the book. (The spelling on that word looks funny, but thats what the dictionary says.) So what I'm going to do, so that I'm not just coppin' Eric Tyson M.B.A.'s original ideas, is I'm going to reference several books. That way I can quote from them some, without feeling like I'm just giving away copyrighted information so people don't have to buy the book. Information about investing is common knowledge, so its ok....I dunno, I just don't want to cross the line. So anyway....I said all that to say this --> "Investing Demystified" is the next book I am getting. I won't have to read it all the way through though before I start my little write-up, I can just use it (and probably one other book I'm going to find) as a resource. I was flipping through this book at "Book-a-million" and I really liked the way it was laid out. Here is some info about the book and the author....

The first Demystified guide to take the mystery out of investing, Investing Demystified provides independent investors with hands-on explanations of basic investing topics without needless detours. Built around the no-nonsense model that has made Demystified one of McGraw-Hill's most popular series, this helpful and practical self-teaching guide cuts right to the chase and gives straightforward direction to anyone tired of being confused by Wall Street jargon and the investing arena.

Paul Lim is senior editor and personal finance writer for U.S. News & World Report. A former staff writer for Money and personal finance columnist for the Los Angeles Times, Lim is the author of Money Mistakes You Can't Afford to Make.

I was just talking to Jared the other day, about how my motivation for learning about investing has been quelched a little bit recently, by my finding out that I will be keeping my same job next year, except then I will be taking a big hit to pay for family health insurance. So won't actually have any money to invest next year. But I'm trying to keep my motivation up by convincing myself I am getting my ducks in a row, and will be prepared when I will no longer have to eat mayonaise sandwiches and drink water for lunch everyday.

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