Monday, January 30, 2006

Kidz Life

I just felt like posting something new, so I'd thought I'd mention how happy I am that the Sunday night program at church (for kids) is going so well.

We have a program called "Kidz L.I.F.E" (LIFE stands for "Living Intentionally For Eternity") And it is basically Awanas. But without the AWANA name brand stuff. Kids have a special t-shirt, a sash that badges go on after they complete levels of their book. Levels are about different things, like level 1 is about the Bible and they have to memorize verses and answer questions about the topic. They have game time, club time, and memory verse time. The kids are having a blast, learning tons of verses, and it is growing so fast we have run out of materials. It's so neat to hear a little kid be able to say ALL of the books of the Bible.

I am ADD and I am watching tv while I type this and tv is winning....goodbye.


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Anonymous said...

Hey I'm new. Awesome forum. Just found it on Yahoo. Thank u 4 the Excellent community we have here :)

gonna check for the [url=]latest trends[/url] now, hope it's not Justin Bieber again :\