Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I just had a very interesting visit

The pastor of the church we visited Sunday just left my house. He and another guy came by to visit since we had turned in our visitor information. It was a good visit. We learned lots more about the church. But here is the most interesting part:

(This would be most interesting if you have some knowledge of Major League Baseball)

He was a church planter in Venezuela. Sports was a tool they used.

He led Omar Visquel (All-Star shortstop) to the Lord.
He led Edgardo Alfonso to the Lord (used to play 2nd base for the Mets) {now both play for the San Fransico Giants}
I mentioned that I knew that the coach of the White Sox (who are currently playing in the World Series) was from Venezuela. (Ozzie Guillen - who also used to be the Braves shortstop), and he's like, "yeah, he came to a couple of my Bible studies. A real tough character, never made a confession of faith." And as if that wasn't enough, he tells me he has an adopted Venezuelan daughter....and who is her godfather? Former brave and all-star first-baseman Andres Galaraga. And these are just the ones he mentioned to me. (Oh and I also found out Sonny Perdue's daughter goes to the church. {Ga. Governor for those non-residents}.

That stuff had my jaw on the floor. (Much like Tori, that probably doesn't all mean as much for those of you who don't know baseball...but its pretty darn amazing to me.)

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