Sunday, August 14, 2005

iRiver and Yahoo! Music

Ok. Here's the situation. I don't steal music. Downloading free songs without paying for it is as much stealing as pocketing a CD at a local store. Unfortunately, many people do not agree with this. I've had this conversation with more than one youth at my church and plenty of times with students. But anyway....this post isn't about that. (It's just a pet peeve of mine.)

I would like to have access to music, the right way. Now, some companies are starting to make that possible. I was looking around, and Napster now has a legal company where you can download anything you want and move it to a MP3 player for about (I think) $15 a/mo. This is way too much for me.

Now, I've seen Yahoo! Music. I can get access to over a million songs for just $4.99 a/mo. And that includes moving it to an MP3 player (which I do not own).

Now, I'm somewhat picky about music I listen to. I try to screen the lyrics before I buy songs. So of course, alot, if not most of those million songs I have no interest in. But there are plenty of secular songs which are just fine.

So, I've found a music service I might be interested in. Then there comes the problem of the MP3 player. I've just recently found out just how expensive those suckers are. blows me away to put hundreds of dollars into something so small and (for me) lose-able. But, the new stuff can do cool things, like hold a bazillion pictures, record your show that comes on the radio, even if you don't listen to it at the time, be a voice recorder, etc. So anyway. I'm interested in finding out more.

iPods are out of the question because they are not compatible with Yahoo! Music. Of course, Apple allows them to be solely compatible with iTunes. But iTunes (although I have it because I have bought music from it in the past) does not have an inexpensive music service like Yahoo! So I was looking on Yahoo! Music's website and saw a list of compatible devices. They are the ones that have "Playsforsure" capability.

The MP3 player pictured above is the iRiver H10. The one I saw on eBay has 20 GB, and has all those many features mentioned above. It connects to the computer using a USB 2 connection and comes out of the box "PlaysforSure" compatible. The one on eBay (after shipping) comes in about $210 (but the bid isn't over). So anyway, I've got some money saved up in PayPal from some eBay work Tori and I did this summer. But it falls way short of that. So I think I'll start looking for stuff to sell (starting with the SNES).

One thing for sure, I must now allow this to impede my plans for getting the XBOX 360 at Christmas time. I am going to have to put a hundred or so towards thats present though because it is so pricey. But anyway, I will (I think) be able to sell my XBOX to get some money for the 360. I just have to make sure I can play Splinter Cell online on the 360 before I do. I saw the graphics for the Madden 2006 football game on that system and it is awesome.

But I digress....

If you know anything about these type of MP3 players, please inform me. Do any of you know anything about these things. I know some general information just from being around kids...but maybe someone knows a good type, or a type to watch out for, or something that could be useful information.

Or maybe all you are old fogies too and don't know either.

That will be all. Respond immediately.

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