Wednesday, May 10, 2006

El Quantimiaco no en el pizarroica!!!! ha ha ha ha ha

The title of this posts reflects how I felt today. I made those words up by the way.

I gave blood at church over in the youth building across the street. (I actually saw the guy I splattered blood all over last time.) But what was wierd was, the guy that was taking my blood. He was hispanic. Are they allowed to do that? Just kidding, thats not the funny part. He was hispanic and his accent was extremely thick. I couldn't hardly understand anything he was saying. He would ask me a question, and then I'd have to hope that it wasn't really a question, and then I'd know it was when he said it again. But the funny part was, he kept trying to crack jokes. So this guy's all crackin' jokes, and I can't laugh cause I don't know what he's sayin'. I'm one of those people who wants other people to feel comfortable. And so I'll laugh at somebody's jokes even if they aren't funny. And so it was this real awkward situation. He's sayin' jokes; I'm not laughing; and I'm feeling bad cause I know he feels bad that I'm not laughing.

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