Tuesday, November 07, 2006

In order

Something funny that we're noticing that Micah does, is he likes for certain things to be in order. He'll take his cars and trucks (which he is absolutely obsessed with and wants to carry ALL of them EVERYWHERE) and he'll line them up in a perfect row and then start applauding. And he is very meticulous about them. Once he lines them up, if you go and turn one to face the other way, so that it is still lined up, but just facing the other way, he will immediately turn it back to face the correct way.

I think he got that from me. I have a thing with that, where there are some (although few) things that I try to get exactly perfect. Whether its printing off tons of labels to put all over my bookshelf to super organize it, or taking a bowl of party m&ms and separating them into separate containers based on color. But I usual grow frustrated with trying to perfect them, and then forget about it. I think he has this also. It is really funny though to watch him try to line things up perfectly all facing the right way. Tori messes with him by turning something around, just so he'll turn it back.

1 comment:

Michael Rogers said...

in highschool it was your hair, always had to be in place. and the party m&m's? you do that at partys, to occupy yourself, so that you won't have to talk to anyone. we all know you.