Monday, April 03, 2006

Charlie Simpson

The other day I was at lunch with the teachers who I usually eat lunch with. It was lunch as usual. Then another one of the teacher who has lunch later came in to get a snack. She sat down right next to me.

So she sits down with us and begins casual conversation. Eventually, one of the teachers I eat with asked her about what she was going to be doing next year.

So the lady began to explain how her certification was not sufficient and she would not be able to teach. She began to really open up, and share her heartfelt feelings about having to leave the profesison she loved - working with special education children. It is her passion; it is what she believes in. It was definetly an emotional moment. She apologized for being on a soapbox, but the other teachers around me comforted her, and supported her for sharing her struggles.

While all that was happening...I was sitting next to her having a WWF match with my pudding, trying violently to rip the lid off with my teeth.

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