Thursday, July 20, 2006

Update 7.20.06

Well, 2 big things. Not really in much of a mood to go on forever about it. But here dey is:

1) Mom is in the hospital. Her routine visit, turned into finding out that she was in complete kidney failure. They have had her on dialysis. They were hoping that some kidney function might return, but it doesn't look like that is going to happen. They did a kidney biopsy, but don't know the result yet. May be cancer in the kidneys. Her other cancer had spread on her spine, and is causing more pain. But radiation, thankfully lessens that.

2) Apparently it is my turn on the wheel'o'major medical problems. I've suffered the past couple of years from, maybe once every couple of months, waking up at night having what I have discovered is a panic attack. The other night, I had several in a row. And since then I have been sufferring from severe anxiety. It lasts throughout most of the day. So, I've been to the doctor a couple of times in the last couple of days and gotten several prescriptions. But I'm trying to overcome it o-natural, one last time, before I get on all that.

So....with these things happening, I would greatly appreciate your prayers.

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