Monday, February 13, 2006

only because michael asked me to

Three Names You Go By:
1. Charlie
2. Mr. Kelly (at work)
3. Ceptor Jones (gamertag)

Three Things That Scare You:
1. Being a hypocrite and/or a whitewashed tomb (clean on the outside, dirty on the inside) like the Pharisees.
2. Wasting my life by not following God’s leading (and also more specifically, not leading people to Christ.)
3. The idea of bad things happening to my family.

Three of Your Everyday Essentials:
1. Wallet and cell phone (pocket essentials)
2. carabineer – with keys attached
3. my glasses

Three Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1. red button-up shirt
2. khaki corduroy pants
3. wedding ring (although I think it might as well be considered part of my body at this point.)

Three of Your Favorite Drinks:
1. coke
2. sweet tea
3. hot tea with my Chinese food.

Three of Your Favorite Songs - at the moment:
1. Grace Like Rain – Todd Agnew
2. Some song by Delirious? – but I don’t know the name
3. Willabe Wallabe Woo – by The Wiggles

Three of Your Favorite Artists- at the moment
1. Delirious?
2. Freddie Bruno
3. Reliant K

Three Things You Want in a Relationship (other than Real Love):
1. companionship
2. common beliefs and goals
3. great food

Two Truths and a Lie:
1. I stood next to Ric Flair in the airport (FYI – I hate that wrestling mess)
2. My mother has a star named after her in the official star registry.
3. I love social activities.

Three of Your Favorite Hobbies:
1. X-box 360 online
2. Surfing the internet
3. Reading “Scientific American”

Three Things You want to do really badly right now:
1. Finish doing work/chores and just chill
2. Watch “Cinderella Man” that we rented last night
3. Sell my car

Three Places You Want to go on Vacation:
1. Israel
2. Greece
3. Rome, Italy – not Georgia

Three Things You Want to Do Before You Die:
1. Lead to the Lord and disciple a bazillion people
2. Develop and build an underground bunker facility that is similar in many respects to the bat cave. It will be dimly lit and contain surveillance systems of my house and yard as well as the ability to launch remote control helicopters equipped with cameras, fireworks and smoke bombs. It will be immune to nuclear radiation and have enough supplies to last years. It will contain tunnels to nearby woods in case of enemy occupation.
3. Feel at peace with what my life has accomplished (fought the good fight, finish the race)

Three Ways that you are stereotypically a Chick/Guy:
1. I don’t like to explain my day.
2. Usually, whatever just happened or is going on….it’s not that big of a deal……so just calm the heck down.
3.I like to eat….a lot. (And I also like muscle cars…even though that is not related to eating)

Three people I would like to see take this quiz:
1. Jared Putnum (also known as Jeremy “Weightlifter” Punion)
2. David EUGENE Cox II (Also known as “hey! He’s throwing meximelts at my car!)
3. Tori Kelly (also known as “she who places my son on me to allow him to beat me in the face while I sleep as an amusing way of waking me up” girl.)

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