Saturday, January 20, 2007


I love to peruse a bookstore. It's one of my favorite R&R activities. I think part of my liking of it, is that it allows my random mind to find mental snacks from every aisle of the literary grocery store. Today I spent some more time at Books-A-Million, and read bits from War and Peace, Sun Tsu's The Ancient Art of War, to a LIFE photos book, Skeptic Magazine (it's good to see where the enemy lives) to Biblical Archeology, to computer programming.

Sometimes I'll sit and read almost an entire periodical, sometimes I'll just catch the highlights, and sometimes, like today with War and Peace, I'm just curious to take a sample because of a book's infamy. (That particular book came to mind because I saw it again recently in a commercial about frequent flier miles and the guy in the plane on the commercial was reading it. ...I told you it was random.)

I like photo books especially. Looking back at famous people and events from the last century and a half. Presidents, holocaust, immigrants, etc.

I go through phases, like when I got the "Investing for Dummies" and read it from cover to cover. Whereas when I was going through the investing section today, I felt no draw to it at all.

It sure would stink to not be literate. You could miss out on so much. Especially the #1 book of all time - La Biblia.

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