Thursday, January 25, 2007

Donation, please!

I was on my way home from work this afternoon, and as I was driving I looked ahead to a 4-way intersection / red-light, and saw what appeared to be shriners all over it asking for donations. I'm all about giving to charity, but I don't like people all over my car trying to guilt me into giving money. So as I'm approaching the intersection, the light is red, and so I try to slow way down ahead of time, so the light will be green by the time I get there. Unfortunately, it is a long light, and so instead...this guy (who wasn't a shriner, but was some other sort of charity collector), ...sees me slow down far away from him. And then the light was so long, I ended up having to pull all the way up, even though I think he might have known what I was trying to do.

Let's just say when I finally got there, there was a very ugly look on his face....especially since I pretended to ignore him after we looked at each other.

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