Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The Kelly Landfill Service has been closed

The Kelly Landfill Service has been closed, and not of it's own volition.

Today we were served with a county violation notice.

Apparently, our neighbor (who can't see our trash pen from his house) called the Sheriff's office and reported our trash bin. Seems a couple of their dogs have come over and found a way to get some trash out and take it home as a take-out dinner. Their owners didn't like the menu items I guess. Dirty diaper a la mode and old mayonaise cordon bleu.

It's not that big of a deal to me. Kind of peeves me a little that they just didn't say something to me about it...I would have just fixed the problem or done away with it then. But then again....who knows....I don't like talking to neighbors either...so whatever.

Just so you don't get the wrong idea, I don't have trash strewn all over my backyard. I have an old dog kennel that I changed into a trash bin. It has a gate, etc.

But I now have until January 30th to dispose of it, or face a citation. So comes to an end my landfill enterprise. At least I've been saving $20 a month for a year or so.

Now if the landfill elves would just come and get rid of it for me.

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