Wednesday, January 31, 2007


If you're like me, you've seen a lot recently in the news about Barbaro. The famous racehorse that won all 6 races that it finished. Much of the world has closely followed the story of this storybook-like horse's broken foot, and attempts at making a physical comeback. People have been emotionally attached to this horse, and recently world headlines were made again when Barbaro was euthanized (put down) because the foot problems just would not go away. News agency after news agency covered the story....thousands lamented for Barbaro. Even the news of the possible site of Barbaro's final burial has hinted it will become a shrine of sorts for this horse that the world loved.

As I watched the coverage and lamenting over Barbaro the horse, I could not help to think how perverse and backwards it is that we feel remorse for the death of a horse, when thousands upon thousands of babies are killed every year. Babies who can feel the pain of their death. Whose hands are able to reach out and grab the finger of their murderer. What a tragedy. What a perverse tragedy, indeed.

How backwards the world is, in its values.

“What irony that a society confronted with plastic bags filled with the remains of aborted babies should be more concerned about the problem of recycling the plastic.” – Winifred Egan

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