Monday, June 12, 2006

Charlie Moment - V.B.S. style

To my thousands of readers: sorry I haven't posted in a few days. I've been out of town.

Let me crank it back up with a nice Charlie moment from Vacation Bible School today.

So our VBS runs all week, starting today, from 9 - 12. It starts off with the kids coming into the Sanctuary, where the head honcho talks to them and then the head music guy gets up and introduces the VBS songs ....with motions.

Ok, so I'm teaching 5th graders. And as I'm sure you all know, the big, dramatic movements and hand gestures to these songs are corny. But if I don't do them, some of them don't do them. So I pretend that I don't look retarded and do them anyway.

So its all going according to plan, the main music guy's up on the stage singing and doing the motions....we're all copying him.

Ok, then the song is over, and he's like "time for another song". So the music to the second song starts playing. So he starts singing, and doing hand motions. So I start singing and copying his hand motions. After a moment, I realize that he is doing choir director hand motions....and he and I are the only ones doing it. He was just directing the tempo, not doing hand motions. But if you could have been standing in the would have seen me in the middle of a bunch of people doing choir director hand motions.

stupid stupid stupid

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