Wednesday, June 07, 2006

howdy neighbor

Another story about my neighbor.

My grass around the house admittedly needs to be weed-eated. (I don't suppose you would really say "weed-eaten"?) But I've been painting and didn't want any of that to get in the paint, plus my weed-eater is out of commission and I have to do it with an electric bush trimmer and a very long and tangleupable extension cord. But I am going to do it soon. Really, I will. Of course this bugs my neighbor; who has been known in the past to ride his mower across parts of my yard when he can't take it anymore.

But it was funny, because today, I was in my DRIVEWAY, putting some different GAS CAPS on my TRUCK..., and he walks out and says, "What'ya working on? Your weed-eater?"

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